Friday, February 15, 2008

Economy of Words

Many of the articles I read, when discussing writing or speaking, often praise economy of words. Those of you that know me, know I spray words around with wild abandon. I grossly over talk and typically over-write. So, my excercise for the next several weeks - in addition to whatever topics I have is to summarize a day in a single sentence. And no, the sentences cannot be like 17th century literature where they go on for whole paragraphs.

Hey it was either this or Haiku and I am saving Haiku for later....


grrech said...

so the recession is hitting words now? maybe you could focus on your spelling and grammar too.

Chris said...

My blogger spell check stopped working! I also think this word processor has a mind of its own.

Sandy said...

It makes me happy that you decided to come to the darkside of short posts. I do not have the attention span to read some of your novels.