Friday, February 29, 2008

Another Career??

What would I do if I wasn't in sales? What happens if this current opportunity doesn't pan out? I have given the matter some thought, but really haven't come to any definite conclusions. So I thought maybe I could list some of my options here as a way to cheer me up.

1) Sales in another form - There's still plenty of rejection to go around.

2) Permanent Stay at Home Dad - Dump the day care and completely loose my mind.

3) Full Time Philospher - Well, I did get a degree in it. OK you can stop laughing now. No seriously. Cut it out, I'm getting a complex.

4) Teaching - Find the solution to (Benefits+Fam Friendly Hours+Migraine Headaches+dealing with other people's kids+ going back to school) I believe that equals Vomit to the 3th power!

OK. As you can see I have no idea what to do if this doesn't work. I welcome your suggestions.

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