Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Le Raison D'Etre

In our society, value is often associated with the product that one produces. The tree is good because it produces fruit. The programmer writes codes, the carpenter builds...I don't know... things, the hooker produces the clap. (and money for me...atleast that bitch better!) It's very odd, to be brought up in this Germanic, 90 degree angle worldview, and then work in a job that thus far hasn't produced anything.

A salesperson, more than anything, is judged by what they sell. My product is the Sale. The last time I sold something, I think Top Gun was in the theatres.

"Where'd Whooo Gooo?!"

Last week was a great week because all these accounts started the review process. I've been on conference calls and sending samples, and plotting strategy. It's actually my favorite part of sales - that moment when the chase is on and the potential hangs thick in the air like giant cloud.

I'm gonna take that Cloud and make it my bitch. It's gonna R A I N! Its gonna rain little white 84 bright, 20 lb paper, laser printed purchase orders. I'll be all swimming in 'em like Scrooge McDuck, making paper hats....Its going to be great.

Ahh the potential. The dreams of a saleman...

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