Friday, February 22, 2008

The Biggest Dick Award

This one's for you, Guy Who Almost Rear Ended Me! Hey the roads may be slick, there might be an asshole in front of me with his hazards on, but that didn't stop you from tailgating me down the expressway, flashing your brights at me every few second as if I had somewhere I could go. Is that rythmic flashing Morse Code for "Asshole Alert?!" You didn't even back off when you almost hit me, after Hazard Guy tapped his brakes for the 4th time. No instead, you veered your Big Dick Tough Chevy Truck hard to the right, cut off a snow plow and then cut off Hazard Man, causing more brake lights....more fishtailing and more general mayhem. Nicely Done Sir!! Unfortunately I believe I saw you in a ditch a few miles down the road. But even that didn't stop you, in fact you probably had a big, throbbing 4- wheeling boner. When I last saw you, you were hooking up your Big Dick Winch to pull your Big Dick Truck out. All by yourself. Tell me....does having that truck make you feel better when your spend your Friday nights at home alone watching gay porn???

Just Curious.


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