Saturday, February 23, 2008

The King of the Road Award

The one's for all you truckers out there. When mere mortals could see but one lane, you proved us all wrong by blasting past us on whichever side was convenient. When I was worried about safe stopping distances, you were wise enough to know that if you couldn't stop your truck in time, my small Accord sure as hell wouldn't stop it either so on you pressed.

After all, that load of toilet valves wasn't going to deliver itself to down to Hobart's Supply and you get paid by the mile, not for earning safe driving merit badges.

As you rumbling by my window, seemingly inches away from my door, I hoped the guy in the Element didn't brake, the traction didn't shift, or your massive center gravity didn't pull me into your 18 wheels of hard driving, valve delivering, Accord-shredding fury.

Congratulations all you truckers out there - way to show us that regardless of weather, locations, or time of day you're still King of the Roads and King of the Douchebags.

Drive On....Jerk!!!

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