Thursday, January 10, 2008

Things That Outrage Me Part IV....The Creation Museum

This "museum" opened about a year ago to much local fan fare. While it has been covered heavily in both the local and national media, I feel I need to weigh in. For starters, its practically in my back yard. But also, the local paper, The Enquirer gives the facility and its starter, Ken Hamm so much free publicity, without daring to opine. I swear I see an article once a month touting something going on there. We could bomb Iran, and the headline on the Enquirer would read, " Creation Museum to Add New Ark Exhibit." Meanwhile in the Life Section would feature, " Mrs. Hamm's Tasty Creations Fit for a Hungry Church Group or maybe "How to Evolve your little one's Taste Buds."

There are people on school boards across the country getting fired because they don't support the teaching of the "Controversy." What controversy?!! The Pope has recognized the fundamental principles of Evolution. Evolution is the basis for so much of our life sciences. As a nation we wonder why our children are falling behind in math and science and then we take them to a museum that tells them the world is less than 10,000 years old and has actually shows dinosaurs with saddles on them?!! Come on people!!!

I haven't read of a greater public disortion of basic science since maybe "scientifically" based claims of racial superiority from the Nazi's and to some extent White America in the early 19th century. Its the cultural equivalent of Copernicus being forced to renounce the Heliocentric theory of the universe, becase it threatened Catholic Dogma at the time. Only that was in the Middle Ages...aka...the Dark Ages. This is 2008!!! can pick and choose your politics, your religion, the clothes you wear, what you drive, the list goes on and on. All I am asking, is that if you choose to either completely ignore or dissort modern science in an attempt to craft your own world it in the privacy of your own home, or church group. Don't petition public school boards to teach the Controversy which only exists in the minds of those who support Intelligent Design (or Creationism). Don't stuff a building with theatre props from Jurassic Park and charge admission and call it a museum. I'm going start a museum too. It'll be the Leprecaun Museum, and I'll fill it with all sorts of wee stuff to delight the children and advance belief in Leprechauns.

And the worse part it, people go to this museum in droves. You cannot bump into someone at an art museum or the history museum here in Cincinniati - but you have to wait in line to see people riding dinosaurs!!

Cannot we have two realms: the realm of belief (God, Heaven, Angels, The Bengals going to the Superbowl in my life time) and the realm of science (Evolution, Genetics, Engineering etc). They answer different questions and needs. But with some people and its seems to be more and more....if the answer isn't God and what's in the Bible - it's thrown out. And that outrages me, because if this keeps up we're heading towards a second Inquisition, an American Taliban and a supression of the very rights and ideals that enable people to build a phony museum and make tons of money. Keep your beliefs out of my face, my schools and my newspapers!!


Sandy said...

The Creation Museum has discounted tickets on their website, just in case you decide to go. On Terrific Tuesdays, kids get in free with one paid adult admission!

Chris said...

Super!!! Cannot wait!