Thursday, October 18, 2007

More Things Seen While Driving.....

As I drove down Kentucky 18, I found myself behind a Department of Fish and Wildlife Vehicle. This agency is responsible for preserving the natural resources of the state of Kentucky making sure that future generations can enjoy them. A noble calling if ever there was one...

I was shocked when I saw the ranger throw a cigarette butt out of the window. Now I was willing to give the department a pass for driving a huge Durango SUV - after all most of what the DFW does is regulate hunting and fishing and you need a 4 Wheel drive vehicle to do the job. But not littering.

This guy's probably on the way to a local school to give a talk on conservation. One would presume that this talk would involve things like not littering, being a good caretaker of the land, maybe fire safety. In fact I'm pretty sure littering is a ticketable offenses in the state of Kentucky or certainly fire safety violations are. But here's this asshole ranger getting 10 miles to the gallon, flicking cigarette butts out the door on his way to save Nature?!!!!

I suppose once he's driven 20 miles off road destroying wide swaths of natural habitat with his all-terrain tires vainly in search of someone to give a ticket to for fishing without a license, he'll get out and take a shit the creek, smoke another cigarette then throw the glowing butt in a pile dried pine needles. Then he might shovel all the McDonald's bags out of the back seat onto the ground and then do donuts through fragile ego systems.

After a hard day's work, he'll sit on his sofa on the front porch, sipping ice cold Milwaukee's Best tossing the cans over his shoulder, smoking and shooting squirrels with a 0.22 for fun.

Its good to know that the Department is training their people to really look out for the environment. I know I feel better about the future of Kentucky's natural treasures after watching this Treasure in action.

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