Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dropping Like Flies Continued

A few more sips of my Corona and I began to formulate a plan. A lizard would never, ever anticipate an aerial assault. If only I had a net....wait...I could use my hat....that'll work!!
I sat my book down and intently watched the dunes below. My target darted out of the grasses, and I dove off the deck, hat in hand.

I hit the sand really hard and rolled down the dune. I quickly checked my rolled up hat.....nothing. My friend look down from the deck at me laughing. It was a much bigger drop than I had anticipated and the lizard much, much quicker and more devious than I had anticipated. Shocked and more than a little pissed I didn't catch him, I dusted myself off and started walking up the steps. I was thinking about how I would alter my technique on the next dive when I heard screaming from inside the house.

"Now what?!" I thought

"Oh My God! Dad's had a stroke! Someone call 911!" It was sheer panic inside the house.

We could hear the ambulance coming from down the beach. My father law was dizzy, disoriented and weak. He didn't know his own name. Which was pretty scary. We all sobered up quick. The EMT's checked his vitals and loaded him on a gurney and zoomed off to the hospital, sirens wailing. We all piled into various cars to follow the ambulance to the hospital. The definition of what a good vacation would be had just changed, and none of us were worried about sleeping quarters, bulldozers or who was cooking dinner that night.

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