Monday, March 10, 2008

Patcher Sealer

This weekend I did something I haven't done since I was 12. I built an snow fort!!! I accomplished this feat with my wife, and the instruction and assistance of my sister. In a testament to just how cool my sister is, she recently purchased "snow forms" that she
found in a junk shop - just in case a snow like this happened. The snow forms make approximately 6 x 6x 10 inch bricks - which are marvelous for fort making. But the key to success was the Patcher Sealer. Patcher Sealer was a term my sister and I have used since we were kids playing in the sandbox, it refers to any substance used to both patch and seal. Its form varies depending on the situation, but in this case, Patcher Sealer was additional snow packed around and inbetwen the cracks and bricks to re-inforce the structure and allow for the gradual curving of the walls to form a roof. Without Liz's stern and unyielding instistence on tremendous amounts of Patcher Sealer - this structure would not have been possible. For the record, I am 32 and my sister is 29.

1 comment:

YIZ said...

Good times!!! I swear that was so much fun and the fact that the four year old had nothing to do with it was the greatest...