Monday, September 8, 2008

Bengals Game 1: Its Not Their Fault

Everything that can be said about Sunday's game, has been said and will be repeated through out the week. From the weary "What else did you really expect?" to the "Blame Brat!" to of course, "Its all Mike Brown's fault." Marvin claims we were out-played and there are no excuses. Being a delusional season ticket holder, I cannot accept that we are as bad the pre-season and game one showed us to be. Therefore, I NEED excuses to keep me from going off the deep end and realizing the amount of money I have and will continue to waste this year. So, here is my excuses for why they played so poorly.

1. We didn't know the Ravens could run that fast and hit that hard. I mean the Raven's hit really, really hard. I know they have pads and all, but I was intimidated watching on TV. And they way they went after Carson....they're not suppossed to do that!

2. We had a really good game plan coming into the fact it was awesome, its just that the Raven's didn't do what they were supposed to do. What are we supposed to do...make adjustments? Come on ! That's not the coaching staff's fault, tip you hat to the other sideline I guess.

3. Chad couldn't wear his new jersey, and that was very upsetting for the whole team. I'm suprised they had the heart to even take the field.

4. It was very, very loud in that stadium and and we couldn't hear the blitz coming, sure they had 8 guys on the line with 4 of them pointing right at Levi - but we never heard them coming. The commissioner should make it a priority to handle excessive crowd noise. Deal with that , please, especially on make or break 4th downs. How are they supposed to play if nobody can hear anything?

5. We didn't have enough film on Flacco or the new head coach....I mean come on....we were going in blind. How were we to know that Ravens would Blitz in a dizzing array of packages and then pound the ball? Where did that come from?!! And that Linebacking core.....who knew???? Next week it's Kerry Collins and he's been around forever! Lots of tape on him! We'll be fine!

6. The Defense was sooooo tired by the end of the game. We'd been on the field soooooo long. You cannot expect these poor guys to be in football shape after 6 weeks of camp and preseason. They needed a rest. Luckily we'll have from January until OTA's to catch up.

7. Like NBC's annoucing team said, this is the first time the recievers have been together with Palmer in a game situation. In today's game you cannot expect your top players to practice with rest of the team and be just like everyone else. They're too special.

I'm excited about Sunday against the Titans, and I'm not worried at all about their rushing performance this week or their aggressive defense. The Bengals will be fine.....I will be fine....and breath)....OK

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