Monday, November 10, 2008

Things That Outrage Me...

It's been awhile since I've went on a rant. It's been a while since I've taken the time to call some people out. It's been....to0 long. A lot of bullshit's been going down, and I've got a shovel. So...

I overheard someone today say, that if they took into account last year's weather and temperatures, that it would disprove global warming. That was annoying, but what he said next outraged me. And I quote, " Its so silly to think that anything we could do, would cause global warming or.....hurt this planet." I almost jumped from my chair. I must also add, that the person spouting this garbage working in the organic department of a major grocery store, trying to convince other people to buy recycled products, sustainable goods etc. See the disconnect???

And we're off!

1) Listen up, Moron! One year cannot make or break a trend. See definition of trend. I don't have time to provide it. Also, neither can one continent, region, zip code or church parking lot. There's a reason its called Global Warming, not Kentucky Warming, or 45202 Warming.

2) As for Man not being able to hurt planet. Sit Down and Listen. Since you seem to repeat whatever you hear from Fox news, or Rush or whatever "non-biased" source you pick and choose from, I need you to please realize that some of I what I will cite, relies on Scientific Research. I know this is a scary thought for you. You've spent several years insulating yourself from Science. But I assure you, Science is your friend. Science's best friends are Learning, Rationality and best of all....Measurable Data. It makes your cars go faster, makes you medicines, lifted us out of the Dark Ages and also helps us better understand ourselves, the world we live in and our relationship to it.

Now I know that God gave the planet to Adam, and it's been handed down for thousands of years until it's in your chubby, non grateful hands. My only comment there is, if you truly belief that story, then why would you belittle anyone or anything that wants to take better care of God's Gift to you.

Wait...I know why....its because you are a hypocrite. Big Head-Slap over here People! And an even bigger, "Duh!" I guess we all should have seen that one coming!

But I digress, in my ranting. Here are few examples of man's adverse effect on the planet, or what I like to call, examples of bad stewardship. In no particular order:

Strip Mining, Superfund Sites, floating islands of garbage in the Pacific, Chernobyl, Trace amounts of synthetic material in ground water, Ozone Layer deterioration, Acid Rain, increasing rates of cancer and autism, increased extinction rates of animals across planet. I don't have time to hot link all these now. I am also sure there is much more and better examples I could use, but I'm pressed for time and still a little pissed.

Now that's just detailing man's negative effect on the planet. I could go off like Mount Vesuvius on global warming and bury your sorry ass is cloud of ash 10 feet deep. "Scientists" called "Archaeologists "would find you hundreds of years from now and undoubtedly would deduce from little things they like to call "Facts"that you are not just an ignorant jackass, but the worse kind, that being a purposefully ignorant jackass!

And yes, I am a Captain Planet, and yes I believe that we can by our actions and choices do good or bad to our communities, the people around us and the ground on which which stand. I'm not perfect, I live in a big house and I drive to work everyday. I own an SUV. But I do what I can, I recycle, I compost, I try to make my house as energy efficient as possible, I use those stupid canvas bags. It's not much, but its a start. The first step is admitting there's a problem, how much progress can we make if we cannot agree on that?


Rachel Martini said...


Chris said...

I got a little worked up. Reading it now I feel a little bad. But seriously-I'm not asking anybody to change what they do, I just don't want us to live in denial. I think its part of a larger trend in American society of purposfully divorcing ourselves from the Enlightenment, as if knowledge and learning are to blame for all the worlds evils.

grrech said...

Well, well Al Gore, now that I know what you're big button is I'll be pressing the hell out of it. I had suspicions, and I've been stockpiling. Your arguments are weak, localized and flawed. "Measurable data"... 4 billion years, we've only begun to measure a fraction. Be watching for your daily news flash. Oh and I'm still looking for those mountains of disposable diapers.

Chris said...

Ha...I've been waiting for you. I knew as soon as I hit post, there would a penalty. The good news about having you as a firend is I actually have to research my thank you. I'll be Spader to your Shatner.